Architecture & Design
Whatever the scope and depth of your vision Devign have the experience to realise your vision.
Whether that is a greenfield project with fully open technology choices or designing within the constraints of existing systems and complex legacy integration.
- Specialists in AWS / Azure cloud and hybrid cloud implementations.
- Full platform architectural design / review services.
- Migration to cloud solutions.
- AWS Event driven serverless architecture with Lambda / SQS / SNS / DynamoDB / Kinesis
- Azure Event driven serverless architecture with Function Apps / ASB Publish Subscribe / CosmosDB
- Re-architecting elements of existing platforms for improved security, performance, scalabilty.
- Database design, No SQL and general Data modelling.
- Designing individual interface contracts e.g. REST microservice OpenAPI (swagger) definitions.
- Low-level software design reviews and audits.
- Third Party System Integration.
- Legacy System Integration.
- Batch and stream data processing design.
- Containerisation.